We want you to love your gear as much as we do! If something doesn't fit right, or just isn't what you expected:
Let us know right away. Please note that due to the timing of our sales-based donations we are unable to accept returns after 14 days. All items must be in the same condition in which they were shipped.
Print your FREE shipping label - which we will provide - and send your item back to us.
Exchange your item or receive a full refund! Once your item is received and its condition verified, we'll apply a credit in the amount of its purchase price towards a new item or refund your original order, whichever you prefer.
Our return policy is 14 days. If 14 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange. To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition in which you received it. If your item is damaged or defective in any way send us an email at returns@changegearco.com and include a photo and description of the issue, and we will process an exchange at no cost to you.
If you receive an item that doesn't fit right or just isn't what you expected, we are happy to exchange it for another item. Just follow the instructions above to process your exchange. If you order your new item before we receive the item to be exchanged, we will credit you back the amount of your original order in the form of a refund once we receive the original item. If you prefer to wait until we have received the item to be exchanged, we will process the exchange order and ship your new item to you once we receive the original item.
Once your return is received and inspected, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your returned item. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund. If you are approved, then your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment. Please note that it may take a few days for your refund to appear in your bank account. If you haven't received your refund to your bank account after ten business days, please contact us at returns@changegearco.com.
If you purchased the item as a gift and wish to have the recipient process the exchange, please notify us at returns@changegearco.com and provide the recipient's contact information as well as your order number so that we may process the exchange. If you are seeking a refund of your original order of the gift, please let us know whether we should send shipping instructions to you or the recipient.
For all returns and exchanges, we will provide you with a return shipping label. You will be responsible for the cost of the product packaging; we encourage you to reuse the packaging in which the product was mailed to you.
If you are shipping items with a value of $100 or more, you may wish to consider using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance. We can’t guarantee that we will receive your returned item.